
Debut Release - out now!

Roskaro_Perlen aus Plastik

Cover/Foto: Daniel Jamernik

Die Songs von Rosakaro erzählen von einem Lebensgefühl, das den Moment feiert und dabei zwischen euphorischer Freude und einem – nur zu verständlichen – Anflug von Weltschmerz pendeln. Tracks wie Perlen aus Plastik (VÖ: 12.11.24), Wintergrau (VÖ: 12.12.24), Schwarzes Zimmer (VÖ: 09.01.25), Sitzen Atmen Fertig (VÖ: 30.01.25) oder Handy in der Hand (VÖ: 20.2.25) gehen mit ihren eingängigen Lyrics, Hooks und Melodien ins Ohr und klingen lange nach. – Im Frühjahr ´25 folgt der Release des Albums “Rosakaro – Rokoko Radio”.

Rosakaro geht es nicht um ein Leben im Rampenlicht. Die kreative Crew bleibt bewusst im Schatten der Anonymität: Im Fokus steht die Musik und die Stories und Moods, von denen sie erzählt.

„Überraschende Pop-Perlen, hitverdächtig – das hat definitiv Kultpotential!“, stellte ein deutscher Musikmanager bei den Pre-Listening Sessions begeistert fest.

Written & performed by Rosakaro | Producer: Paul Divjak | Mastering: Wolfgang Schlögl | Photography / Cover Art: Daniel Jamernik | Big shout out to: Jeanette, Sophie, Jayden, Michi, Alex, Anna, Lola, Cornelius & Taras!

Label: RR – Rosakaro Records
Vertrieb: recordJet

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Paul Divjak – Collected Releases

Divjak @KonkordIt’s simply unbelievable, that already 20 years passed since my first release “so fine” (7″) on sue.mi (Berlin/Prague). In the very same year, 2002, Hans Platzgumer, with whom I had the chance to collaborate on my first EP, mentioned Konkord Records, a young team of audiophile enthusiast from Vienna. I got in contact with Wolfgang Reitter and the boys (back then they really were young) from “the friendly record label” from Vienna, and learnt to appreciate their vast pop historical knowledge and musical expertise. To cut a long story short: We released the EP “A Glimmer of Hope” together in 2005. And ever since Konkord turned out to be the very trusted homebase for my musical concepts and releases. – I’m already pretty much looking forward to celebrating a “Best Of” at the occasion of our 20-years anniversary. Here’s to you, Konkorditos!***

Feel free to sneak into the back catalogue! – Info & free listening @Konkord

Sciene Fiction Pocket Museum – The Guided Tour

Science Fiction Pocket Museum - CD Cover

Wir betreten das Museum. Die Musik setzt ein, die Schwerkraft aus. Wir heben ab. Es biept, es zirpt, es dröhnt: poetische Soundminiaturen öffnen Ambient-Klangräume und erzählen von möglichen Welten und der Begegnung mit fremden Wesen. Und hinter freischwebenden Planeten wächst der Orbit in unendliche Weiten. – Captain Kirk hat recht: „Beauty Survives“.

We are entering the museum. The music starts, and gravity stops. We are free floating. It beeps, it chirps, it drones: poetic sound miniatures open up ambient sound spaces, telling of possible worlds and encounters with alien beings. Behind free-floating planets, the orbit grows into the infinite. – Captain Kirk was right: “Beauty Survives”.

>Hall One: Adventures In Space 05:31
>Hall Two: First Contact Gone Wrong 04:57
>Hall Three: A Planet Astray 04:17
>Hall Four: Intergalactic Futures 06:03

Konkord (Original Release, 2016)
Spotify (The Guided Tour, 2020)

A big shout out to Hans Platzgumer for the joint travelling through sound & space!

Meet The Bees

Bee Pop @Salotto Vienna a Trieste

Meet The Bees - Bee Pop (Paul Divjak & Wolfgang Schlögl), Salotto Vienna a Trieste, 2014

Screening: “Making of Bee Pop”  ©Jeanette Müller

For 33 nights, the Viennese art and cultural scene will transform Trieste’s former fish market (Ex Pescheria – Salone degli Incanti) into a catalyst for inspiring encounters between cultural figures from Vienna and Trieste. At the invitation of the city of Trieste, the Viennese Art Salon (Salotto.Vienna) will open there on 1 August 2014, presenting an artistic summer under the artistic direction of the MAK, and curated by Jürgen Weishäupl and his interdisciplinary artprojects team. The Viennese Art Salon will transpose the vibrant atmosphere of the Belle Époque to the beginning of the third millennium.

Artists, performers, musicians, designers, directors, etc. taking part include Roland Adlassnigg, Josef Aichholzer, Annablume, Matthias van Baaren, Luke Anthony Baio, Matthias Balgavy, Gerald Bast, Andreas Berger, Susanne Bisovsky, Nin Brudermann, Philipp Bruni, casaluce/geiger, CasualClay, Victoria Coeln, Salvo Cuccia, Stephanie Cumming, Johannes Deutsch, Julius Deutschbauer, Paul Divjak, Christoph Dostal, Thomas Draschan, Andreas Eberharter, EDOKO INSTITUTE, Eisnecker, Anna Erb, VALIE EXPORT, EyeM, e:v/a, Luca Faccio, Ursula Feuersinger, Eva Fischer, Michael Fischer, Jeremy Fitton, Bernhard Fleischmann, Georg Flemmich, Andreas Fogarasi, Foxy Twins, Lucas Gehrmann, Sara Glaxia, Silke Grabinger, Manuel Gras, Raffaela Gras, Vanessa Gräfingholt, Gundacker, Martin Hablesreiter, Chris Haring, Daniel Ho-esl, Edgar Honetschläger, Thomas Jakoubek, Dejana Kabiljo, Stefan Kainbacher, Gu-drun Kampl, Erwin Kiennast, Peter Klein, Anna Kohlweis, Gregor Koller, Luma Lau-nisch, Jan Lauth, Anna Leiser, Paul Albert Leitner, Reanne Leuning, Barbara Lindner, liquidloft, Matthias Lošek, LWZ, Marko Lulic, Wolfgang Maderthaner, Brigitte Mang, Gerald Matt, Manfred Matzka, Tina Marilu, Stephan Maurer, Anja Manfredi, Anna Mendelssohn, Christof Moser, Tina Muliar, NEON GOLDEN, nipplefish, Rita Nowak, Stefan Nussbaumer, Georg Öhler, Daniela Papadia, Maria Petrova, PHACE | CON-TEMPORARY MUSIC, PIANODRUM, Klaus Pobitzer, Florian Pochlatko, Simon K. Posch, Rainer Praschak, Antonia Prochaska, Nick und Clemens Prokob, Marlies Pu-cher, Ulrike Putzer, Davide Rampello, Patrick Rampelotto, Ingo Randolf, Veronika Ratzenböck, Meinhard Rauchensteiner, Karl Regensburger, Arthur Resetschnig, Marlene Ropac, Stefan Ruzowitzky, Schmesiér, Marcus Schober, Lorenz Seidler, Bern-hard Sordian, Squalloscope, Udo Staf, Olga Swietlicka, Martina Taig, Croce Taravella, Andreas Taschner, Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, Spencer Tunick, Hana Usui, Viktor Vanicek, Federico Vecchi, VIGNETTE COQUETTE – Opera Burlesque, Ingrid Valenti-ni-Wanka, Walking-Chair Design Studio, Peter Weinhäupl, Agent Well, Nives Widauer, Wimmer, Thomas Wohinz, Clemens Wolf, Luisa Ziaja, Matthias Zuder, and more.

Producer and Curator: Jürgen F. Weishäupl, artprojects
Curatorial Team: Giovanni Damiani, Marcello Farabegoli, Giulio Polita

Salotto Vienna a Trieste presented by MAK