Meet The Bees

Bee Pop @Salotto Vienna a Trieste

Meet The Bees - Bee Pop (Paul Divjak & Wolfgang Schlögl), Salotto Vienna a Trieste, 2014

Screening: “Making of Bee Pop”  ©Jeanette Müller

For 33 nights, the Viennese art and cultural scene will transform Trieste’s former fish market (Ex Pescheria – Salone degli Incanti) into a catalyst for inspiring encounters between cultural figures from Vienna and Trieste. At the invitation of the city of Trieste, the Viennese Art Salon (Salotto.Vienna) will open there on 1 August 2014, presenting an artistic summer under the artistic direction of the MAK, and curated by Jürgen Weishäupl and his interdisciplinary artprojects team. The Viennese Art Salon will transpose the vibrant atmosphere of the Belle Époque to the beginning of the third millennium.

Artists, performers, musicians, designers, directors, etc. taking part include Roland Adlassnigg, Josef Aichholzer, Annablume, Matthias van Baaren, Luke Anthony Baio, Matthias Balgavy, Gerald Bast, Andreas Berger, Susanne Bisovsky, Nin Brudermann, Philipp Bruni, casaluce/geiger, CasualClay, Victoria Coeln, Salvo Cuccia, Stephanie Cumming, Johannes Deutsch, Julius Deutschbauer, Paul Divjak, Christoph Dostal, Thomas Draschan, Andreas Eberharter, EDOKO INSTITUTE, Eisnecker, Anna Erb, VALIE EXPORT, EyeM, e:v/a, Luca Faccio, Ursula Feuersinger, Eva Fischer, Michael Fischer, Jeremy Fitton, Bernhard Fleischmann, Georg Flemmich, Andreas Fogarasi, Foxy Twins, Lucas Gehrmann, Sara Glaxia, Silke Grabinger, Manuel Gras, Raffaela Gras, Vanessa Gräfingholt, Gundacker, Martin Hablesreiter, Chris Haring, Daniel Ho-esl, Edgar Honetschläger, Thomas Jakoubek, Dejana Kabiljo, Stefan Kainbacher, Gu-drun Kampl, Erwin Kiennast, Peter Klein, Anna Kohlweis, Gregor Koller, Luma Lau-nisch, Jan Lauth, Anna Leiser, Paul Albert Leitner, Reanne Leuning, Barbara Lindner, liquidloft, Matthias Lošek, LWZ, Marko Lulic, Wolfgang Maderthaner, Brigitte Mang, Gerald Matt, Manfred Matzka, Tina Marilu, Stephan Maurer, Anja Manfredi, Anna Mendelssohn, Christof Moser, Tina Muliar, NEON GOLDEN, nipplefish, Rita Nowak, Stefan Nussbaumer, Georg Öhler, Daniela Papadia, Maria Petrova, PHACE | CON-TEMPORARY MUSIC, PIANODRUM, Klaus Pobitzer, Florian Pochlatko, Simon K. Posch, Rainer Praschak, Antonia Prochaska, Nick und Clemens Prokob, Marlies Pu-cher, Ulrike Putzer, Davide Rampello, Patrick Rampelotto, Ingo Randolf, Veronika Ratzenböck, Meinhard Rauchensteiner, Karl Regensburger, Arthur Resetschnig, Marlene Ropac, Stefan Ruzowitzky, Schmesiér, Marcus Schober, Lorenz Seidler, Bern-hard Sordian, Squalloscope, Udo Staf, Olga Swietlicka, Martina Taig, Croce Taravella, Andreas Taschner, Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, Spencer Tunick, Hana Usui, Viktor Vanicek, Federico Vecchi, VIGNETTE COQUETTE – Opera Burlesque, Ingrid Valenti-ni-Wanka, Walking-Chair Design Studio, Peter Weinhäupl, Agent Well, Nives Widauer, Wimmer, Thomas Wohinz, Clemens Wolf, Luisa Ziaja, Matthias Zuder, and more.

Producer and Curator: Jürgen F. Weishäupl, artprojects
Curatorial Team: Giovanni Damiani, Marcello Farabegoli, Giulio Polita

Salotto Vienna a Trieste presented by MAK

Music to Please

Introducing: TJ Tape Head

Music To Please, Kiasma

TJ Tape Head aka Paul Divjak @ KIASMA / Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki

TERVETUOLA kotona äänitetyn musiikin ihmeelliseen maa- ilmaan! Mikään ei vedä vertoja hyville vanhoille c-kase- teille ja kunnon kasettisoittimille. TJ Tape Head kutsuu kaikki nauttimaan kolmesta vuosikymmenestä yksityisiä ja kollektiivisia muistoja. Tuo ja jaa parhaat mixtapesi mui- den kanssa – jos vain uskallat

Welcome to the wonderful world of home-taped music! Nothing here now but the good old audio tapes and a couple of custom built cassette players. Tape Head is inviting you to an evening of enjoying three decades of individual and collective magnetic memories. Bring and share your old mixtapes – if you dare!

Am Kassettendeck

Welcome to the wonderful world of home-taped music

Locations: Schauspielhaus Wien, S-Bar | rhiz – bar modern, Wien (2004-2010)

Welcome to the wonderful world of home-taped music! – Nichts hier jetzt als vier Doppeldecks und Kompaktkassetten aus mehreren Jahrzehnten!

Gäste AM KASSETTENDECK: Bernhard Fleischmann, DJ Tapiresque, Michael Lachsteiner (blankTON), Walser, Peter Hörmanseder (Maschek), Boris Jordan (FM4), dd kern, Erdem Tunakan (cheap), Robert Buchschwenter, Christof Cargnelli, Fritz Ostermayer (FM4, Im Sumpf), Umberto gollini (cheap), Constantin Peyfuss (b.low), Sebastian Schlachter-Delgado (La Boum de Luxe/cheap), 3volt (cheap), Super Brummer (Iglu) u.a.

Präsentation der Kassetten-Sammlungen (Schenkungen/Eisen- und Chromdioxid-Leihgabe) von: u.a. Franzobel, Axel Schanda, Barbara Kaspar, Michael Dürr, Stefan Parnreiter (aRtonal), Jeroen Siebens (fritspecial), Claus Seibt