Eau de Pologne

Wodka Toaletowa

Eau de Pologne Flask

Flask, Limited Edition, 2002 [Out of stock]

Eau de Pologne is a Cologne made from 70% Polish Vodka with a blend of wood, wild herbes and smoke on the Mazury lakes. Elegant, with a headstrong top based on the European silver fir; delicious and drinkable. Just in case.

“It was always like my nose would provide me with certain smells and nuances others would not even care about. But it was not until this project for an exhibition in Poland that my professional olfactory journey started out an got me deeper and deeper into the fascinating art of developing fragrances.” (P.D.)

as if

Sound: Paul Divjak | 4 min

Film-still from as ifEin Stück gemeinsamer Geschichte, aus der Zeit gefallen. Die letzten Momente einer Liebe, womöglich. Die Melodie begleitet das Bild eines Paares, rauh, von Unschaerfe bestimmt und Dropouts durchsetzt. Ein Abschied, verlangsamt, verfangen in einer endlosen, rekursiven Schleife, so scheint es.

Und während die Blätter fallen, tun sie noch einmal so als ob, und spielen Leben.

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it’s all so

Sound: b. fleischmann | 7:14 min

Divjak’s Video it’s all so zum gleichnamigen Track von Bernhard Fleischmann fängt mit einer Einstellung wenige Minuten eines Schlafenden ein. Fast bewegungslos verändert sich die rauhe Bildoberfläche durch minimale richtungslosen Pixelwanderungen. Ohne Environment auskommend und abgekehrt von allem was Alltag bedeutet, scheint das Bild des Schlafenden zu deuten, seinen Platz einzunehmen und mit geschlossenen Augen eigene Bilder zu simulieren. [Vera Tollmann] — mehr —

So fine / As if


Cover art: Manuela Mitterhuber

The Western world has a brief history of ecstasy. Affected through and through by a belief system that triggered off the industrial revolution, achievement and pleasure were perceived as opposite poles of time spent. Work meant the construction of order. Pleasure meant indulgence in disarray. Formulated in more precise terms by Calvinism, such assumptions opened the world for the industrial revolution and the almost religious accumulation of wealth an property.

Also at the dawn of the revolution of the cultural industry, the same paradigms can be found. Freeing Rock´n´Roll from the indulgent disarray of darker and more intimate urges, over-achievers such as the Beatles would turn music into work. Manufacturing order in any possible aspect, intuition was replaced by multi-track recording and improvisation became theory. — mehr —